VLF Cable Diagnostics

Conducting diagnostics of medium- and high voltage cables enables early detection of vulnerabilities and prevents potential breakdowns. 

TD diagnostics (tangents delta diagnostics) is a proven, simple, and reliable test method evaluating the overall dielectric condition of cables and other electrical assets and reveals presence of damages caused by water trees. Especially in demand is TD diagnostics for aged polymeric cables (e.g., XLPE), since with age and due to mechanical influences, insulation deteriorates and is no longer able to provide the expected dielectric strength.

PD diagnostics (partial discharge diagnostics) is a simple and highly effective non-destructive method detecting and locating electrical trees or other PD faults in cables and their connections (joints and terminations), which are often caused by mechanical damage as a consequence of incorrect installation. By finding the exact PD location, detected damages can be fixed before they result in a cable failure. This leads to a massive improvement in the network stability.

To fit the needs of all of our clients, b2 electronics offers the widest range of TD and PD diagnostics systems on the market, with test voltages from 24 kV to 200 kV (sine wave).

Key Feature
  • Tailor-made VLF, PD and TD test system from a single source
  • Easy handling and simple wiring
  • PD measurement setup according to IEC 60270
  • Locate and define possible PD faults in your DUT (see details at b2 Suite)
  • Guard – leakage current correction for TD diagnostics available

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