About Infinity Enterprise

Established in April 2014 name under “INFINITY Enterprise”. After six years of ups & downs in business we decided to expand our thought Process, Team, Business Portfolio & Much more. So as part expansion we rename as “INFINITY Measurement Solutions Pvt Ltd” We comes up with clear vision, good technical team & more strong association with our solution providers. Our business enter in new era, we are more focused on Customer & Team satisfaction, Product solution & On time service support.


To Become the most successful and trusted company for supply & service of Measurement Solutions


Quality Commitment

Supply superior quality product & service to help and improve product quality of our customer. 

Customer Benefit

We create sustainable and outstanding benefit for our customer.

Employee Empowerment

Create growth orientated work place, focus on culture of mutual trust, work life as team, respect to each other that boost empowerment in employees.


Business Goal

Go Onto Another Level in customer satisfaction & service.

Our Strength

We work as team with supplier & customer.

We Believe

We’ll never stop experimenting, collaborating and learning for our team & customer.

Our Valued Partners

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